Tips could be just what you need to help you sell your The Colony home.
Why won’t my house sell in The Colony? – 4 Tips To Cure It

1) Get good help.
As before, novice agents and investors are trumpeting into the rushing market that they know what they are doing. But they’re not. You are hit hard with the nuances of financing, structure of dealings and evaluation. Seriously, real estate is your biggest investment- don’t just trust the advice of anyone. Partner with the pros, if you want great results.
2) Do make necessary improvements.
Buyers scare unfixed stuff. Show you were a responsible owner of the property and fix all the small details. Don’t leave the trimming gaps or plates off the switches. Get a professional home inspector inspecting it and show the healthy home report. This leads to a lot of confidence that they make a good purchase.
3) Style and design matters.
Curb appeal is as important as the inside– so don’t forget to improve one part of the property. Give buyers a solid feeling of great style. Paint the walls, update the landscape and, above all, keep it clean. Consider hiring a professional designer to help you create the property with good taste.
4) Pricing matters a lot.
If you get many shows but not many offers, you may not be too far off the price. If you do not make the phone ring your best efforts to advertise your property, you are probably overpriced.